Sunday, November 25, 2007

Final Board of Education Budget Meeting Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The next and final budget board meeting is this Tuesday, November 27 at 6:30 in the high school library. This is the meeting at which the board will decide what items will go into each of the two propositions which will be part of a budget referendum on Tuesday, Jan. 22, 2008. This is the last chance to let the board know how you feel. You can attend the meeting, or you can call individual board members prior to the meeting. As of the last board meeting, the first proposition will be at least $25.3 million, and the second will be at least $15.9 million, with an additional $4.6 million that could go into either or be eliminated entirely. Potential total is $45.8 million.

I think it would be much better to have a set of reasonable propositions decided upon on Tuesday, rather than have to vote down unrealistic ones in January.

In the interests of protecting their privacy, I won't put their numbers here but most of them are listed in the phone book. If you need help in getting a particular number, send an e-mail to . Your request will be kept confidential and no use will be made of your e-mail address other than to respond to you.

As taken from the CCS web site, here are the board members:

John Wapner, President
Elizabeth Macfarlane, Vice President
Ric Campbell
Michael Clark
Denise Dapice
Francis Iaconetti
David O'Connor
Wayne Rose
James Toteno

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