Friday, January 25, 2008

Final Vote Resutls

Prop 1: Yes – 190; No – 1,016

Prop 2: Yes – 173; No – 1,024

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


The proposition 1 vote was 968 NO, 178 YES with about 50 absentee ballots yet to be counted.

Proposition 2 was 980 NO, 164 YES

We'll look forward to the board's revised proposal.

Thanks to all who helped bring about this result.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Board presentation Jan. 15, 2008

The Board made its public presentation tonight. It was relatively sparsely attended, and no new points were addressed nor was any new information presented.

The page at the bottom of this post (click to enlarge) will be published as well as appear as a flyer in local newspapers this week. Please forward this blog link to anyone you think would be interested. Remember, the vote is this Tuesday, Jan. 22, noon - 9 PM at the MED Elementary School. The flyer is also shown below as text if you want to cut and paste and e-mail it.

You will have to vote on both proposals. Voting no on proposal 1 does not automatically cast a no vote on proposal 2. If you are against both, you must vote no to each individually.

EVERY VOTE WILL COUNT!! The Shenendehowa school district held a referendum in December. It passed by a vote of 1,549 yes votes to 1,526 no votes. 23 votes out of 3000+, so every vote can make a difference.

Here is the text of the flyer:
To the residents of the Chatham Central Schools District regarding the

Chatham Central Schools $35 million facilities improvement proposals

Despite the best intentions of the Board of Education and the time spent on developing the proposals, this plan is not logical for the following reasons:

· School taxes, already at a level that is driving out residents, will increase over the 15 year term of the bond issue that will finance the proposals. This is in addition to the current school taxes we pay every year to operate the district, and to which we can expect annual increases as we have seen in the past. It is important to note that the proposal amounts do not include the interest on the bonds, which must be added to the annual school budget.

· The Board’s own projections show enrollments declining between 22% and 40% over the next 10 years. The high school graduating class of 2000 had 116 students. The current kindergarten has 75!! The proposals are too ambitious for what is needed and affordable at this time, and approval makes no sense in light of these trends.

· The Board says that the cost of the bond per year to an individual taxpayer will remain fixed. However, it ignores the fact that if a taxpayer’s assessment is increased, their taxes will increase also. As we all know, increased assessments are a fact of life and if assessments increase an average of 5% a year, the tax impact of these proposals on an average homeowner will have doubled by the time the bond is repaid.

· Tomorrow’s taxes = today’s taxes + increase due to bond issue + increases due to lower state aid as a result of lower enrollments + increases due to rise in property values + increases in school budget due to inflation.

There is no question that there are many improvements needed in our facilities and that money must be spent to accomplish them and provide for academic development, but this proposal goes far beyond that scope by including many “nice to have” but unnecessary items.

In light of declining enrollments and the financial hardships that will be faced, the Board must come back with a plan which is affordable and meets the essential and critical needs of the district.

For more information, visit or e-mail .

The vote is Jan. 22, 2008 12 – 9 PM at the MED

Vote NO to $25 million – Proposition 1
Vote NO to $10 million – Proposition 2

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Update coming shortly

To be notified of updates to the blog, please send a blank e-mail to No use will be made of your e-mail address other than to inform you of updates.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

More information coming soon

The vote counter has been reset to reflect the actual propositions to be voted on. You can vote on the left (see Dec. 1 post for a description of the 2 proposals or click here ).

The final tally of the original vote (with just one proposition) was 10 yes, 68 no, 5 undecided.